Baking Soda Hacks That Will Change Your Everyday Life

Published on May 10, 2020

Shoe Cleaner

There is nothing worse than removing your shoes only to get a huge whiff of unpleasant odor wafting around. The solution is quite simple: place a tablespoon of baking soda in a cloth, twist the cloth around the baking soda in order to avoid it spilling everywhere, and place it in your shoe. Let it sit for a few days and absorb all the smells, leaving your shoes smell-free.

Shoe Cleaner

Shoe Cleaner

Heartburn Issues Solved

Do you struggle with heartburn often? We understand how frustrating this can be. A simple home remedy for heartburn involves mixing one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Drinking this will help neutralize the issues caused by heartburn and provide almost instant relief, as baking soda is a natural antacid.

Heartburn Issues Solved

Heartburn Issues Solved