Baking Soda Hacks That Will Change Your Everyday Life

Published on May 10, 2020

No More Icy Driveway

Harsh winters mean snow on your car and icy driveways. Not only is this annoying to deal with, it can be quite dangerous. If you don’t have any salt on hand to sprinkle onto icy driveways, another solution is to sprinkle baking soda on the ice in order to help dissolve it quickly.

No More Icy Driveway

No More Icy Driveway

Clean Hairbrush

Many times, common hygiene items that we use on a daily basis do not get cleaned. Perhaps it’s because we use them so regularly that we don’t even think about them, but it’s important to clean them nonetheless! This includes hairbrushes. You can easily clean them by soaking them in a solution of hot water and a teaspoon of baking soda. Rinse thoroughly and allow to dry, and you’re good to go!

Clean Hairbrush

Clean Hairbrush