These Are The Items You Should Avoid Buying During The Quarantine

Published on April 13, 2020

Subscription Boxes

Subscription boxes are always a fun package to receive, filled with mysterious goodies to tantalize us. However, you definitely don’t need to receive packages of non-essential items during the quarantine. While these are fun, most of the time they don’t contain products you absolutely cannot live without, so you are better off skipping these until the lockdown is over.

Subscription Boxes

Subscription Boxes

Hair Dye

While we all want to look good at all times, maybe right now is not the time to experiment with do it yourself at-home hair dye kits. First of all, you won’t be going out for a while. Second, if you’re interesting in highlights or other complicated hair dying treatments, it may be best to wait until you can go back to a salon and have a professional handle things.

Hair Dye

Hair Dye