These Are The Items You Should Avoid Buying During The Quarantine

Published on April 13, 2020

Huge Amounts of Paper Towels

Along the line of hoarding giant amounts of toilet paper, the same goes for paper towels. There is no reason to mass buy these, as there are other options that are both more sustainable and also more wallet-friendly, especially during a time like this. You can use washable and reusable towels or even old T-shirts that you want to get rid of can be used as rags.

Huge Amounts of Paper Towels

Huge Amounts of Paper Towels

Medical Grade Face Masks

While it is a good idea to buy some face masks in order to protect yourself, there really is no reason to buy medical grade face masks, such as N95 masks. In fact, if you do happen to have a supply of these, it’s probably best to donate them to a hospital so that medical workers can safely treat patients without the risk of becoming infected themselves.

Medical Grade Face Masks

Medical Grade Face Masks