Experts Now Say That the Soviets Covered Up the Fact They’d Left an Astronaut in Space

Published on February 7, 2023

Under the Rug

It’s possible that the Soviets lied about why Ilyushin was in the hospital. Overall, secrecy was prime then. However, some wonder why they would lie. The goal was to be successful in the Space Race, so the Soviet Union might have swept it all under the rug to hide a failed mission.

Swept It Under The Rug

Swept It Under The Rug

The Mysterious Photograph

That’s convincing enough for most to claim that a conspiracy existed, but was there evidence? Nothing is concrete. Ogden claimed he saw a photo with Ilyushin in cosmonaut clothing around the time of that flight, but it was never recovered. Likewise, Ilyushin died in 2010 and never confirmed that conspiracy.

A Mysterious Photo

A Mysterious Photo