Stars Who Chose Adoption For Their Children

Published on August 26, 2018

Lord Nelson

Admiral Horatio Nelson famously won the Battle of Trafalgar for the British. He had a daughter out of wedlock with his lover at the time named Emma. She was also known as Lady Hamilton! At the time it was impossible to claim that the child was fathered by Hamilton, so she decided to give the child up for adoption. She actually pretended the girl wasn’t hers! Now it gets really weird. Nelson and Lady Hamilton actually adopted their own baby after Emma’s husband died. They pretended the child was an orphan and not their own child. They decided to name her Horatia.

Lord Nelson

Lord Nelson

Queen Elizabeth I

It seems like QEI may not have been such a virgin after all! She allegedly had a child with her lover Robert Dudley. Because their child was born out of wedlock, they gave it up for adoption. It seems a bit weird to us, though. How could the Queen hide being pregnant for 9 months from the public?

Queen Elizabeth I

Queen Elizabeth I