People Start Laughing at 5-year-old Calling 911 for Dad

Published on March 15, 2023
Savannah was your typical 5-year-old girl in Hancock County, Indiana, but now people call her a hero. This little girl saved her dad’s life, but everyone remembers the hilarious call she made to 911 operators. When her father was having trouble breathing, she dialed for help and spoke with Jason Bonham, the dispatcher who got on the line. He was with her to handle the situation until paramedics could get there.

Generally, young children panic during a crisis, but that didn’t happen to Savannah. In fact, she impressed Bonham and the paramedics! Still, the phone call was very cute, and many people still talk about it today!

Can’t Take Seriously

Jason picked up this 911 dispatch call and was caught off-guard when he heard a young girl’s voice on the other end. Though he had doubts, he realized soon that this wasn’t a prank but had problems keeping a straight face!

Can't Take Seriously

Can’t Take Seriously

Special Conversation

Their conversation was quite funny but shouldn’t have happened. In fact, people are calling Savannah a hero, and the dispatcher shared the call with millions. Why was it so hilarious, though?!

Special Conversation

Special Conversation


In the Night

Savannah was on the couch with her dad, and they were watching TV. Her mother was on a business trip, and she couldn’t fall asleep, so her father let her stay up late. He couldn’t have known what was about to happen!

In the Night

In the Night


Impromptu Movie Night

Usually, Savannah was in bed earlier, but tonight, her father let her watch Frozen if she went to bed afterward. Though she agreed, she just wanted her mom home and wasn’t tired. Still, they got to have quality father-daughter time!

Impromptu Movie Night

Impromptu Movie Night


Strange Noise

Elsa was conducting the children’s choir in the movie, and her dad got up to get more popcorn because it’s the preferred snack for such evenings. Savannah was enjoying herself and singing along to the show when she heard odd noises from her kitchen.

Strange Noise

Strange Noise


What’s Happening

The pet dog, LouLou, began to bark and didn’t stop. While Savannah hushed it, that didn’t help. Therefore, she called to her dad and didn’t get an answer. Savannah decided to pause the movie and find her dad, instantly knowing that something was very wrong!

What's Happening

What’s Happening


Scary Night

When she got into the kitchen, she saw her dad lying on the floor, grabbing his chest. She ran to him and called his name several times but didn’t get an answer. This was very scary, and Savannah wondered what was happening!

Scary Night

Scary Night


Heart Pain

Savannah continued asking what was wrong, but her dad couldn’t speak. He made strange noises, causing her to wonder why he clutched his chest and if he could breathe. Her parents explained what to do in this type of situation, and she leaped into action.

Heart Pain

Heart Pain



Her parents didn’t allow Savannah to use a cell phone, and she couldn’t remember where her dad’s was. However, there was a wall-mounted one in the kitchen. It was too high to reach because it was at the adult’s height.




The Decision

Savannah pushed a kitchen chair to the wall, standing on it to reach the telephone. This was an emergency, and she knew how to use it. Though she wished she could give it to her dad, he wasn’t able to speak. Therefore, she dialed 911!

The Decision

The Decision


The Famous Call’s Beginning

She dialed the phone number her parents had taught her and knew someone would help her. Likewise, her parents had discussed what to expect, and she was ready for it. Still, she had no idea it would be a famous and hilarious recorded call!

The Famous Call's Beginning

The Famous Call’s Beginning



Most parents don’t realize that they can teach small children to call 911. If they can’t talk and are on a landline, the dispatcher can find out the address and send out help. However, Savannah’s parents had told her what to do, but no one was there now!




Meant to Be

Though Jason had been a 911 operator for about 11 years, this was his first chance to speak with a young person. He was impressed because she was calm and well-spoken. Now, he had to ask appropriate questions and explain what to do.

Meant to Be

Meant to Be


His Own Experience

Jason had a similar experience when he was young and hoped to prevent traumatization in Savannah. Though it happened when he was 7 years old, he still got upset about that fateful night and what happened to him.

His Own Experience

His Own Experience


Why He’s an Operator

After his experience, he saw a psychologist to help him deal with trauma. That ordeal actually helped him decide on his adult career as a dispatcher. He wanted to help others. This was beautiful, and Savannah was grateful, as well!

Why He's an Operator

Why He’s an Operator


His Story

In the ’90s, Jason was just playing with his toys, but his mom collapsed to the floor. She wasn’t moving, and his dad wasn’t home because he’d worked late that evening. While he called 911, he made a huge mistake and wanted to ensure Savannah didn’t do the same!

His Story

His Story


The Facts

Right now, Jason had to determine the man’s symptoms. Savannah asked her father, and he told her he had heart pain and couldn’t breathe, though it was difficult to do. Now, Savannah told Jason what her dad said!

The Facts

The Facts


An Upsetting Thought

Jason was very reassuring, telling Savannah that help was on the way and to keep him informed. However, she got upset when she realized they were still wearing pajamas because of the movie night. In fact, she feared that their clothes weren’t appropriate!

An Upsetting Thought

An Upsetting Thought



Savannah wanted to go change clothes, but Jason told her to stay with her father until help arrived because something else might happen. While she was young, she realized the severity of the situation and didn’t leave the kitchen.




Late Night Talk

The call transcript showed that Savannah and Jason were talking and learning about each other. She had to stay on the phone and keep him updated, but he wanted her to forget about her troubles and pass the time until the paramedics arrived.

Late Night Talk

Late Night Talk


Monitoring Dad’s Health

Jason did well finding a balance between keeping her calm, chatty, and interested. Plus, he focused on monitoring her dad’s health until help could arrive. Still, he had to be careful not to scare the girl so that she stayed cooperative.

Monitoring Dad's Health

Monitoring Dad’s Health


LouLou and Movies

Everyone listening to the transcript was happy to hear her introduce LouLou to Jason. She talked about the dog for a while, explained the movie they watched, and more. Jason hadn’t heard of it, but he liked her discussion while they waited.

LouLou and Movies

LouLou and Movies


Jason’s Story

What had happened to Jason? When he was a boy, the paramedics came to his house to help his mom. However, no one told him to unlock the front door, causing them to shout at him to open it. This scared and traumatized him!

Jason's Story

Jason’s Story


Paralyzed by Fear

The 7-year-old Jason was paralyzed with fear, unable to open that door. Then, he couldn’t find the house key, and his mom was unconscious. Finally, the paramedics broke the glass to get inside, and Jason couldn’t forget the harrowing moment.

Paralyzed by Fear

Paralyzed by Fear


Crucial Moments

The paramedics came rushing into the home quickly, but Jason felt shocked and horrified that he couldn’t do one simple task. It cost his mother crucial seconds. He couldn’t let something like that happen to Savannah!

Crucial Moments

Crucial Moments


Not a Minute More

At one point, Jason asked if she could unlock the front door. She said it was possible, and he relaxed just a bit. Flashing back to his traumatizing moment, he remembered that his mom was saved. If the paramedics had to take longer, she might have died.

Not a Minute More

Not a Minute More


Holding the Line

Savannah was on the phone with Jason for 10 minutes, and the paramedics showed up. She updated him about her dad and was thankful he supported her during that scary time. In fact, she only set the phone down to go unlock the door!

Holding the Line

Holding the Line


The Reporters

Emergency services took her father to the hospital, but one held back until they could call her mother. This person was also impressed at Savannah’s composure throughout the ordeal. She said the little girl was great and even told reporters about her removing the dog.

The Reporters

The Reporters


The Dog Whisperer

The paramedic wanted to stay anonymous, but she said it was lucky she’d unlocked the door. LouLou wasn’t much trouble, though she barked a lot. Savannah kept it in check, allowing the team to work quickly.

The Dog Whisperer

The Dog Whisperer


The Choice

Savannah knew LouLou didn’t like new people, so she grabbed it and kept him away. The dog couldn’t get under their feet or interfere with saving her dad. The paramedic noted that Savannah comforted the pet and was brave throughout the ordeal.

The Choice

The Choice


Go with Dad

Savannah went to the hospital after her father to be close. The paramedics said she couldn’t wear her pajamas to the hospital, so she actually got to change her clothes! She didn’t take long to pick an outfit, and they left to learn more.

Go with Dad

Go with Dad


Prepare for the Worst

Jason got to hang up from the dispatch call knowing she was taken care of by the paramedics. He wondered how it ended and hoped her dad was okay. That was a brave 5-year-old girl, and he’d never seen anyone like her. Hopefully, it ended well.

Prepare for the Worst

Prepare for the Worst


Close Call

Jason thought back to his close call with his mom. He was very lucky that the paramedics arrived and decided to break in to save her. However, timing is crucial in those situations, and he didn’t help at all. Hopefully, Savannah’s experience wasn’t terrifying!

Close Call

Close Call


Everyday Heroes

Thankfully, Savannah wasn’t alone. Jason was there each step of the way, and the paramedics got there quickly and went to work. She was completely level-headed, and that was great! However, dispatchers and EMS personnel respond to countless calls and are definitely heroes!

Everyday Heroes

Everyday Heroes


The Right Thing

Jason helped Savannah with her dad because she was calm and listened to an adult who understood what to do. In fact, Jason didn’t dismiss her fears; he welcomed them and helped her stay in control of her feelings. It was definitely fate that he got the call!

The Right Thing

The Right Thing


The Hero

Once Savannah got to the hospital, she realized everyone knew about her good deed. She received a warm welcome from the nursing staff before seeing her father. One nurse even said that kids can’t stay calm and often don’t know what to do.

The Hero

The Hero


A Nurse’s Advice

The nurse told reporters that everyone should prepare for an emergency and teach their kids what to do in those situations. If something happens, they can dial 911 and listen to the adult. Good parenting actually helped save a man’s life!

A Nurse's Advice

A Nurse’s Advice


Staying with Her Dad

Savannah stayed with her dad as much as possible. When she did leave his side, she brightened up the lives of the nurses and others. She was positive and passionate, and everyone was impressed with what she had done.

Staying with Her Dad

Staying with Her Dad


The Outcome

Savannah’s mother was contacted, and she came back from her business trip to be with her husband and daughter. It all turned out well for the family because Savannah was articulate and level-headed during a crisis!

The Outcome

The Outcome


Full Recovery

Savannah’s dad fully recovered and enjoys telling people his daughter saved his life. She had a positive experience during a crisis and is not traumatized by what happened that fateful night. Plus, everyone feels safer because she can easily call 911 in an emergency!

Full Recovery

Full Recovery