Food For Thought: 5 Healthy Foods to Lose Weight

Published on July 19, 2017
How do you burn fat in a weight loss program that not only suits your budget but also satisfies your cravings? Well it all starts with your diet, but that’s a given now isn’t it? However you shouldn’t have to sacrifice delicious foods just to lose weight and that’s where we come in. We’ve compiled five low-calories foods that you can eat plenty of whether for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even just as a snack. In the end, your palate will thank us.


Got a bit of a sweet tooth? That’s rhetorical, come on, who doesn’t? Just add some berries to your weight loss plans and you’re all set. Not only are they low in calories but high in quantity where it counts, in antioxidants and fiber. Doesn’t matter if you eat blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, or any other berry out there either. Add a handful, or more, to some breakfast cereal, yogurt, smoothie, or just eat plain, and you’ll satisfy that sweet tooth with a healthy option.




This one’s for all my spicy food lovers! For centuries, chilies have not only been heating up your mouth but they’re also miracle workers when it comes to burning fat. Heidi Allison, a food scientist who is the author of The Chili Pepper Diet, has discovered that you can actually lose 10 times as much weight when you add a sprinkle of dried chilies to a meal. Yes, please.




Peaches are not just a juicy summer fruit, they’re also ninjas when it comes to weight loss. Here’s why, a single fresh large 6-ounce peach contains just 68 calories. So not only will peaches offer a sweet alternative, they’re also low in calorie count. Win-win. Moreover, according to LiveStrong, “a peach offers 2.6 grams of dietary fiber which is 10 percent of the daily value based on a 2,000-calorie diet.” So what does this mean? Eating a peach fills you up exponentially more because they’re 89 percent water and well water is a calorie-free nutrient.



Cranberry Juice:

Try not to take a swig of water or coffee first thing in the morning, instead reach for a glass of cranberry juice. Why? Well that bitter red drink is brimming with vitamin C and contains high diuretic properties, which encourage your body to flush out excess fluids.

Cranberry Juice

Cranberry Juice

Dark Chocolate:

YAS. If you’re a choc-a-holic (guilty as charged here) then this snack option is a slice of heaven. Just a few bites of dark chocolate slow the digestive process which keeps your body feeling full for longer periods of time. Moreover, dark chocolate contains less added sugar and has healthy fats that help boost your metabolism. Let’s be real though, I had you at chocolate.

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate