A Home…..Really?
All of this occurred in the year 2011. The world was shocked when Cyrex686 told the tale of his discovery. When the young man spotted noticed something odd on the wall of his room for the very first time, he decided to embark on a project to find out what the weird signs were. This was just the beginning, of course. Not once did he think that this will change his life. There was actually something in the building that the occupants never knew about.

A Home…..Really@
Man In Question
The narrator of the story lives in a century-old structure that has been renovated and turned into commercial spaces at some point. It has undergone many changes over the years but it still carried something from the past that no one knew about. Cyrex686 signed the lease without any idea that he was going to find something significant. What exactly did he find? Don’t be too impatient now—you’ll learn all about it in the following slide.

Man In Question
Everything started when Cyrex686 was messing around in the comfort of his room. However, he became distracted when he saw something on the wall that he never noticed before. Perhaps the quality that caught his attention was that the circular mark was perfectly round. He had a lot of questions when he spotted this: How long had it been there? How could the mark be so round? What exactly is it? From the moment he saw it, he already had a feeling that this was no ordinary scuff mark.

Unusual Circles
It should go without saying that his curiosity was at an all-time high. He was desperate to learn what the spot was and he made the commitment to unravel the mystery. The first thing he did was to hammer one of the spots, but it sounded hollow to him. This only made him more interested— he decided to grab a drill and began to work it. “I, er, noticed that there were these things down here… circular, whatever,” he explained in one of his videos. Once he was done drilling, he was taken aback by what he discovered. Do you have any idea what he found there?

Unusual Circles
Talking To Friends
When he noticed the strange hole, Cyrex686 quickly asked his friends for some advice. Initially, his friends thought that he was joking but they were quick converts when they saw the marks for themselves. They all exchanged theories about the holes but they were unable to come to a conclusion. They decided that all they can do was to take matters into their own hands. It was going to be dangerous, possibly fatal, but their fear was drowned out by their curiosity.

Talking To Friends
Seeing Through The Hole
The circular spot was actually covered by a wooden plug! Who could have done such a creepy thing? Only people who have something to hide, of course. Despite this eerie discovery, they decided to pull off the plug from the hole. Surprisingly, it did not take a whole lot of effort and soon enough they would take a peek at the other side. What they found was completely unexpected. They had been recording a video and his astonishment is clearly visible from the footage. So what was it that they found upon looking through the hole?

Seeing Through The Hole
A Whole Different Thing
Cyrex686 let it be known that his expectations did not align at all with the discovery. “I thought it was just like two big pipes here, but it’s not. It actually turns out that entirely behind this wall here is another like secret passage or something. Which I think I can enter through this hole I’ve started up here,” he narrated. Where was this all leading to? He and his friends would soon find out.

A Whole Different Thing
Black Hole
The gang then embarked upon the adventure of discovering what was lying behind his bedroom wall. He, of course, knew that the apartment was part of what used to be an industrial complex. He did not know a lot about such structures, though he did have some theories about the situation. “Our best guess is it was sealed off in the 1980s,” he said. They took some flashlights in order to get a better view but it was still too dark to see anything. Cyrex686 did not give up right away, however, and he was eventually able to open up the hole. The next step was to find out what was waiting in store for him.

Black Hole
No Permission Granted
We already know that the building in which Cyrex686 lives in used to be an industrial complex before it was converted into a residential building. Basically, it was not a private building of his own and he was just renting out the space! We know that he was desperate to find out the secrets of the wall, but let us not forget that he should not have done this. We can’t imagine how the landlord must have reacted to his decisions. It must have been a double whammy for the owner. First, they had to contend with the disastrous mess and second, they would learn about a secret hiding in their property.

No Permission Granted
No One Heard Him?
It is simply not possible that no one heard the sound of the drills. Nonetheless, no one seemed to complain about it. Don’t you think that it is wild that no one tried to report him? As previously mentioned, Cyrex686 was only renting the room.

No One Heard Him@
The Big Reveal
Still, we sure are lucky that the man was able to document the entire thing from the beginning to the end. When he was finished drilling, the next step was getting inside the hole and finding out what was behind the wall. It is very dangerous for anyone to step into a dark hole without any idea what’s inside. It was simply too risky and who knew what was waiting in store for them? However, his determination would not be deterred and he was willing to do whatever it took to solve the mystery. When he finally entered the hole, he was able to get his answer.

The Big Reveal
Did it lead To?
And so Cyrex686 went into the hole armed with a recorder and a torch. It was completely dark and the torch did not prove to be much help in this regard. However, it was apparent that the space was a separate room. Why was there a hidden room and who had it made? This discovery did not stop his curiosity and it only piqued his interest some more! The viewers were also hooked at this point. Everyone wanted answers! It would not take long before they would get the answers they want, but let us first take a look at some interesting comments. You’ll either laugh out loud or go quiet in contemplation. These all serve as evidence that everyone was engrossed in the mystery. Read on to see what the viewers had to say about the mystery!

Did It Lead To@
Hide & Seek
User Crafterbox suggested an unusual idea. “You should put a painting over the big whole [sic]. You would be unbeatable at hide and seek,” the user suggested. This was actually a good idea if the Youtuber was fond of the game, especially when you consider how easy it was to replace the painting after entering the secret room. There must be plenty of games that one can win with a trump card like this one. However, not all comments poked fun at the situation. Some people also came up with horrifying ideas!

Hide Seek
A Hidden Torture Chamber?
There were also some people who took the situation seriously and referred to it as some sort of secret torture chamber. They were convinced that the room must contain human remains. These people let their imaginations run wild. It was suggested that a serial killer must have used it to dispose of their victim’s bodies and other insidious activities that no one ever found out about. However, there was another theory that gained traction.

A Hidden Torture Chamber@
Supernatural Theory
Fans of the supernatural took it to another level by suggesting that it was a cage used to restrain a paranormal being! Some were convinced that they should never have opened up the wall since it must have set the entity free. Was this what was going on? If so, what kind of spirit had been locked away in there? How was Cyrex686 going to deal with this entity? They were going to find out soon enough. Were you entertained by these assumptions? If you are, you’re in for a treat once you turn to the next page.

Supernatural Theory
Don’t Trust Your Friends
While others were worried that the YouTuber had opened up a Pandora’s box, user Bud Watson was more concerned about the physical entities with Cyrex686. After all, who can really tell the intentions of his so-called friends? The concerned YouTube user wrote down, “From that point on, you found out that those guys were not really your friends. When you had reached the end of the room, you turned around as you saw your friends plugging the hole up.”

Don’t Trust Your Friends
Other Possible Purposes
The comment section was full of cool suggestions and bizarre observations. Another user called Louie Alouie trashed other viewers for having such boring ideas about the room. He said that it was obviously constructed by some sort of sexual deviant. “People have the stupidest ideas of what this room really is. It’s obviously a room used to fornicate with goats,” he blasted everyone else. More than 100 people liked his response! Could it be possible that it was actually used as a bestiality den? Click on the ‘next’ button so that you are a step closer to learning the truth.

Other Possible Purposes
A Drug Cave?
People were simply full of different ideas about the room! There was a faction who believed that it could have been used to grow illegal marijuana. According to PoolBoysTX12, “What you just stumbled upon is a hidden Hydro Cannabis Grow room.” Well, it’s not impossible when you consider the fact that it would only take grow lights to start a lucrative business. Many seemed pleased with the idea and some thought that it would be a great way to use the room once the mystery was solved.

A Drug Cave@
How’s This Possible?
PoolBoysTX12 seemed to be quite the expert when it comes to marijuana. He went on to explain, “Vent shaft for squirrel fan to move the air out. The metal plumbing was used for hydro phonics [sic] watering system.” The plants only need light, oxygen, and water. Let’s not forget that many growers have actually experienced success by growing marijuana in spaces like this one. Could PoolBoysTX12 actually be onto something here?

How’s This Possible@
No Problem!
It seemed like it would be difficult to install a lighting system in the secret room. However, PoolBoysTX12 was simply too creative and offered a solution: “The pile of wood with the rope was used as a weight for lowering the lights to plant level. Look at the corner of that room, there is a small pulley system.” The YouTube user has a pretty impressive knowledge of the subject matter, though we have to admit that it is bordering on suspicious!

No Problem
All Possibilities!
PoolBoysTX12 had more to say about the entire situation: “I would be surprised if you researched your address with police records and didn’t see a drug case. Good luck…” It was an interesting theory and he was able to convince a lot of people to switch over to his side. So was it truly a drug den? “Everyone wants it to be, but it never was,” Cyrex686 answered. Okay, so what is it if it is not any of the aforementioned theories? Apparently, the eager fans forgot about one possibility. Everything would soon come to light.

All Possibilities
So many theories have already been made and yet no one was able to hit the bullseye! Not a single person was able to arrive at the truth. Regardless, the mystery was finally unraveling. The room did not bear any evidence of bestiality, marijuana cultivation, or human remains disposal. Oh, and Cyrex686 did not end up being murdered by his friends. There was another theory that was more realistic than the others, but it was not the correct answer either.

A Septic Tank?
YouTubers suggested that the room could have been intended to be used as a septic tank. This was a little more rational than most theories, don’t you think? After all, it was a lot more grounded to reality than the ones that involved marijuana or supernatural entities. That was still not the correct answer but people were finally getting warmer.

A Septic Tank@
What Cyrex686 Says…
We have already discussed what the viewers had to say, but what about the YouTuber himself? After all, he was the one with the firsthand experience! Cyrex686 was the one with access to the secret room so he was probably privy to details no one else knew about. His input would have to be the most valuable among everyone’s contributions. We have to say that his theory made a lot of sense. We’re sure you will agree when you read the next slide.

What Cyrex686 Says…
Chemical Storage?
“I think it was for liquid chemical storage. There are hookups on the outside next to the rail spur line used to supply the factory that was here before,” he explained. A lot of people thought that this was very plausible, but it did not satisfy everyone just yet. What was its true purpose? After doing his research, he reached a remarkable conclusion.

Chemical Storage@
Then What It Really Is?
Do not forget that the building used to be an industrial complex. It was thus highly possible that the chamber was initially used for storage purposes. This was a theory that had a lot of supporters but everyone agreed that it was not used for chemicals or waste. Many believed that it was a “water cistern” or a water reservoir for rainwater collected on the roof.

Then What It Really Is@
Comparing Technologies
These structures are often constructed using cinderblock, precast concrete, reinforced concrete, steel, or fiberglass. A gutter system and downspouts need to be put in place if one wishes to direct rainwater to the reservoir and keep water in the cistern. The stored water could be used for plumbing! The cistern in Cyrex686’s home was actually stable enough for usage, but modern technology has rendered it obsolete.

Comparing Technologies
Another Secret Room
The mystery of the secret chamber was finally solved. Who could have thought that it was a cistern! Cyrex686 had absolutely no use for a cistern in his modern home, so he decided to use the space for something else. However, he also made another discovery right beside the cistern. In the new video, he said, “It’s been a few years since I made this video. I found another secret room next to the original secret room. I was thinking of showing what I’ve done with the room since then… And the secret passageway, I found, which I’ve not gotten into yet, but found the entrance.”

Another Secret Room
Questions Unanswered
It took him half a decade to repurpose the cistern. However, the YouTuber was mum about the second secret chamber. He did not even reveal its original purpose or show its interior! He had also been very quiet about the secret passageway that he allegedly found. He also refused to tell the viewers what he is using the room for. What’s with the high level of secrecy?

Questions Unanswered
Mystery Solved … Sort Of
Who knew that two circular marks on the wall could lead to such a significant discovery? It was not what anyone had in mind, but it was definitely something that excited people from all over the world. The finding was able to tell something about the period in which the structure was built. Despite all of this, everyone wants to learn about the second hidden room. For the meantime, let’s take a look at other people who learned surprising things about their own homes!

Mystery Solved … Sort Of
A Trend?
It is pretty unusual for people to learn something new about the house that they live in. Not everyone can say that they were able to unearth something special in the comfort of their home. Luckily for you, we have compiled a list of people who had been able to locate extraordinary things in their quarters.

A Trend@
Usually The Contractors
When it comes to old homes, the descendants or outsiders are the ones who typically make the discoveries. The secrets are usually unearthed when renovation or remodeling is ongoing. Contractors are usually the first people to find these structures. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that contractors have boring jobs because they have discovered some extraordinary things! Let us begin by taking a look at what contractor Bob Kitts found several years ago.

Usually The Contractors
Hit Something Strange
Bob Kitts had been working on the home of Amanda Reece at the time that he made the discovery. While he was remodeling the bathroom walls, his tool made contact with something unexpected. He found a great amount of money hidden inside the wall! After consulting the experts, they would find out that the loot dates back to the Great Depression. The present owner had been completely unaware of the money that was concealed in the depths of her bathroom wall. The 83-year-old house actually had an intriguing story behind it. Do you have any idea how much money was in the stash Bob found?

Hit Something Strange
Discovering The Happiness
Bob saw two lockboxes just below where the medicine chest was located. The money was contained in an envelope that bore the address of the P. Dunne News Agency. When the contractor discovered the money, he immediately got in touch with his client. Amanda Reece was completely surprised by all of this. The two of them began to count the money and they found out it amounted to $182,000 overall! The cardboard box contained $25,000 and the envelope had $157,000 inside. Bob called the moment “the ultimate contractor fantasy.” Neither party was very happy, however, despite the amazing discovery. Why was that?

Discovering The Happiness
The Greed Case
Greed has always been blamed for many human failures. Amanda Reece wanted to give Kitts one-tenth of the amount they found, but Kitts wanted 40% of the money! The fight actually turned quite nasty and people began to pay attention to what was going on. In fact, the news reached all 21 descendants of the original owner of the house, Patrick Dunne. The Dunne family lawyer named it “the greed case” and the name stuck. He said, “If these two individuals had sat down and resolved their disputes and divided the money, the heirs would have had no knowledge of it. Because they were not able to sit down and divide it in a rational way, they both lost.”

The Greed Case
A Lawsuit
You can definitely say that Amanda and Kitts could have handled it better. The Dunne descendants sued in court to defend their claim. By then, Amanda had already spent $14,000 on a Hawaii trip. She also claimed that $60,000 had gone missing. The large amount of money had thus been considerably reduced. Unfortunately for the claimants, they had to accept the small portions that they were given.

A Lawsuit
Nothing Is Worthless
If only we could discover such a large amount of money without having to do anything, right? For the man in the next slide, this was his reality. A worthless item eventually turned into something valuable as time went by. He had been going about his day as usual but he found something strange. Little did he know that it was going to be something useful.

Nothing Is Worthless
Pieces Of Newspaper
David Gonzalez from Hoffman, Minnesota was a contractor who was in the middle of remodeling his house when he made an astonishing discovery. He also found something tucked inside his wall during the process. He kept drilling when he found old newspapers that had been used to stuff the wall for insulation. However, the cherry on top was a rare comic book that dated back to 1938 nestled inside the pieces of paper. The book was intact, much to his surprise.

Pieces Of Newspaper
The comic book he found was actually Action Comics #1, which came out in June 1983. Comic books enthusiasts knew how valuable the book was, but even casual fans can tell it was important. After all, it was the issue in which Superman was first introduced! “I knew it was worth money, But I had no idea how much,” Gonzalez told reporters. He made the decision to sell it, but he was shocked to learn how much it was worth.

More Than Expected
There was no doubt that Action Comics #1 was worth a large sum of money but Gonzalez had no idea about how much it would go for. He decided to sell it at an auction to get the best possible price. At the very least, he thought that he could find a buyer who would pay a thousand dollars for it. Originally sold for 10 cents, the final price was set at a whopping $175,000. David Gonzalez’s home cost him less than a tenth of that amount! Who would have thought that it could fetch him such a large sum of money?

More Than Expected
A Barn
As the old adage goes, old is gold. Sometimes, the descriptor does not refer to monetary gains but priceless historical value. Some people were lucky enough to find something similar like that while others live their life without a clue as to what is hiding nearby. The following tale is about a couple who ended up making a great find while in the middle of renovating a century-old property. Perhaps what makes this so special is the fact that the wife had been living there for most of her life. The house is converted barn located just outside Louisville, Kentucky. The discovery was made in the 1980s and the family had been settled in for decades before they learned about this part of the home.

A Barn
Straight Out Of Book
The barn had been turned into a house sometime in the 1920s. However, it took over 50 years before the secret was out of the bag. The original owner of the property was a romance writer who decided to remake the place so that it looked like a location in his novel. The people who ended up buying the house was completely unaware of this tidbit. The new family had no idea that something was waiting in store for them until the daughter bought it from her parents and moved in with her spouse. When they began the renovation project, they came across something that changed her life!

Straight Out Of Book
The Prohibition
Around the time that the barn was converted into a residential space, the Prohibition was still ongoing. The only way to obtain alcohol back then was by going to the speakeasies and dealing with bootleggers. The more affluent families often had their own hidden stash of alcohol at home. The latest owner of the house had no idea about what was in store for her, although she might have lived in the same place her entire life.

The Prohibition
The Secret Cellar
It is not a stretch to say that the home renovation project was one of her best decisions in life. During this time, they discovered a hidden door in the basement! It was a complete surprise to everyone involved. When they finally found the courage to open the secret gate, they found a closet. Hidden inside was an impressive collection of liquor! The stock dated back to the Prohibition era. They might have been manufactured many decades ago but the bottles were undamaged and still contained alcohol. They were dated as far back as 1919!

The Secret Cellar
A Great Deal?
Next on our list are Jason and Kerri Brown, who were extremely pleased with their real estate investment. After all, a house with five bedrooms and two bathrooms sounded like a steal at only $75,000! They believed that they were lucky to be able to fetch such a nice place at a low cost. They did not hesitate to move into the Greenville, South Carolina home right away. But they had to renovate the place first, of course. However, they would soon discover why the house was on sale for so cheap!

A Great Deal@
The Secret Corridor
As you might have seen from the YouTube comments above, it is already exciting just to hear about discovering secret spaces in other people’s homes. Just imagine what it must be like for people who actually own the place! Jason and Kerri were inspecting their new home to see what had to be renovated. They were checking a bookcase when it suddenly gave way to reveal a secret corridor! They also found a note inside the room. What did it say?

The Secret Corridor
You Found It!
That sounds like something straight out of a mystery novel, don’t you think? A bookshelf door, a hidden room, and a secret note! How exciting that must have been for Jason and Kerry. The note said, “You found it!” They assumed that the previous homeowner left the message for them. At the moment, their minds were racing with possibilities and it did not take long for them to find out what was waiting for them.

You Found It
A Horrifying Discovery
If you were amazed that they were able to buy a home for $75,000, you might want to think again. It turned out to be the worst purchase the couple ever made. Aside from the spacious rooms, there was something else that the house had to offer its inhabitants. The note further read “Hello. If you’re reading this, then you found the secret room. I owned this house for a short while and it was discovered to have a serious mold problem. One that actually made my children very sick to the point that we had to move out.”

A Horrifying Discovery
A Bad Bargain
The couple was flabbergasted at the revelation. We don’t blame them— after all, they just learned that their new house had a black mold infestation! They were expecting to turn it into a nice place for their family, but it was actually a contaminated chamber of sorts. Kerri told reporters, “The previous owner left his email address, so I got in touch with him and he said that he didn’t want the same thing to happen to him, that the mold made his children very sick.” They also sought the guidance of an environmentalist who warned them against making the move. A house full of toxins and molds was not an ideal space for any family.

A Bad Bargain
Jason and Kerri Brown were deceived by the real estate broker they saw. They soon found out that the agent was aware of the problem but decided to keep quiet about the accompanying health hazards. The broker showed them around and pretended that everything was fine. It was a good thing that the former homeowner had the presence of mind to leave a note to the new owners. The couple eventually sued both the home loan corporation and the real estate agent. For the meantime, the couple decided to find an apartment to stay in. While the discovery was not very pleasant, it would have been a lot worse if the secret room and the hidden note was not there to inform the couple.

A Secret
Next, we have a family who grew up hearing about how the home had a crucial role in history. They all believed that it was only a myth— until they decided to do a renovation, that is. Once again, renovations made such discoveries possible in this day and age. There seems to be some truth in the story that they all thought was mere fiction. The secret the house possessed was one that helped shape America.

A Secret
Secret Room
The story was shared by Reddit user Ivebeento Yungay. The user claims to be living in the said house at the moment. It was reportedly located somewhere near the national border. “The room was found in the basement of the house I grew up in, which was completed in 1849. It is 25 miles south of the Canadian border,” the user mentioned.

Secret Room
Ordinary? No….
A basement with water softeners is nothing out of the ordinary. However, this was not your usual basement and there was something special about the water softeners as well. The equipment was actually used to store the secret that dated back to the 19th century. The next slide will let you in on the mystery.

Ordinary@ No….
The Family Story
It should not go without saying that the current owners did try to look for the mystery of the house. However, they failed the first few times they tried. They were not exactly willing to tear down the place in order to find the secret. It was only when they started exploring the basement did they find a hidden room.

The Family Story
According to the Reddit user, it took some time but they did eventually find something hidden behind the basement wall. He could tell that something was different with the surface since it seemed to be constructed more recently than the rest of the home. Moreover, it had a thickness of 32 inches! He was able to find an opening and he climbed up to take a look at what was behind the thick barrier. What he found shook him to the core! The rumors were true and apparently, their home had been used for smuggling. We bet you are eager to find out what was being smuggled through the house.

Smuggling Of New Kind
We know that smugglers are people who refuse to pay duty or taxes on their products and therefore trade illegally. They have a bad reputation in society and some even consider them to be as worse as thieves! However, the smuggling network that used the house played a huge part in building American society. These people were activists who had noble intentions and they were even affiliated with religious organizations like the Presbyterians, Quakers, and Wesleyans.

Smuggling Of New Kind
The Mystery Unveiled
Closer inspection would reveal that the hidden room was actually a part of the Underground Railroad used by African-American slaves back in the 19th century. The network was used to free them from slavery and took them to the free states and even Canada. It was important that the network had a house close to the border so that it would be easy to cross the border.

The Mystery Unveiled
Code Words
The network was called the “Underground Railroad” so that no outsider would learn about it. Aside from the name itself, there were many codes used to ensure their security. They called the escaped slaves “passengers” and the members “agents.” The room discovered by the Reddit user was called a “station” as this served as a waiting spot for agents. The person who owned such a house was called the “station master”. Lastly, the people who led the passengers to safety were called “conductors”.

Code Words
“The Promised Land”
America might be the most powerful nation in the entire world, but it had a dark history before it reached its current status. Without the “Underground Railroad” and other revolutionary methods, it would not be the place it is today. The network actually freed more than 100,000 individuals from slavery. It is generally believed that a third of these people ended up going to Canada or “British North America,” as it was formerly called. In the Underground Railway glossary, it was known by the monikers “Heaven”, “The Promised Land”, and “Gospel Train.”

“The Promised Land”
Not Much Left Behind
There was not a lot of things inside the room. However, this did not come as a surprise to most people as slaves themselves were considered property. The owner of the house did not decorate or lighten up the place as they were scared that they would get discovered. Perhaps the only thing that looked rather out of place in the house was the rusty bayonet hanging on the wall. No one understood what it was doing there.

Not Much Left Behind
Near The End Of The Line
Once night comes, it was time for the escaped slaves to continue their quest for freedom. It must have been difficult for them to wait during the daytime in such a cramped space like this one.

Near The End Of The Line
Why Significant?
The Reddit user’s home indeed played a crucial part in American history. It was definitely a reminder about the dark history that the country carries. It is safe to call the “Underground Railroad” the precursor of the Civil War which successfully ended slavery.

Why Significant@
Legal Injustice!
However, it is important to note that not all of America delved into slavery. There were also so-called “free states” where slavery was not enforced. However, The Fugitive Slave Act of 1783 made their autonomy basically useless since it stated that slaves would forever remain slaves wherever in the country they may be. It also indicated that anyone who helped the slaves would be branded as a criminal.

Legal Injustice
Court Room
It simply seemed like the slavery was going to last forever. The judges were always heavily biased against the slaves even when it was clear that they were innocent. The judges were given a monetary incentive to sentence the slaves, after all. Sure, $5 might not seem like a lot of money these days but they were extremely valuable back then.

Court Room
Kidnap And Sale
The period was nothing short of difficult for the African-American slaves. There was no law in place that protected them from the slave trade. The injustices were too much and this was how the Underground Railroad was formed.

Kidnap And Sale
First Few Miles!
It was extremely difficult to escape the brutal life slaves were made to suffer. If they were caught attempting such a thing, they would be treated without mercy. Most were tortured, flogged, and even raped. There were no laws that could protect them. Leading the slaves away from their owner was often the hardest part of the Underground Railroad.

First Few Miles
Night Of Freedom
They decided to move the slaves in small groups so that they would not catch the attention of the authorities. Usually, they only transported one to three people at any given time. Once they manage to escape, they had to travel 10 to 20 miles on foot every single night.

Night Of Freedom
The Real Heroes
We bet you are impressed by the organization of the Underground Railroad. No one can ever deny that the member’s bravery and dedication to freeing the slaves were completely amazing. However, let us not forget that there were other organizations that helped liberate African-American slaves at the time. How can we ever talk about the topic without mentioning Harriet Tubman? She was a key figure in the movement and she was completely committed to rescuing slaves from their owners. She was called the “Moses of Her People” for a good reason.

The Real Heroes
William Still
William Still, a businessman and an abolitionist, completely loathed the barbaric practice called slavery. He joined the Underground Railroad and helped the Philadelphia chapter. He was able to free over 800 slaves when he was a conductor in the network. In 1872, he released a book named The Underground Railroad: Authentic Narratives and Frist-Hand Accounts.

William Still
John Fairfield
Of course, aside from these admirable African-Americans, some white people also helped with the movement. Among them would be John Fairfield, who hailed from a family that enslaved many individuals. John always hated the tradition and joined the Underground Railroad. He became quite famous when he pretended to be an undertaker and liberated 28 slaves by asking them to walk out of an internment.

John Fairfield